Executive coaching
Stefan Bartel – Expert for
Management Communication &
Safety Culture Coach®
- How can I successfully influence people?
- How do I achieve change in others?
- How do I create the conditions for a desire to perform?
- How can I stir up, involve and inspire employees?
- How do I present myself correctly and effectively?
- How do I initiate and accompany cultural change?
- How do leadership, culture and occupational safety influence each other?
These and other questions are often asked by top performers. Here it is important that employees feel orientation, appreciation and recognition and that consistency is ensured.
In management coaching, Stefan Bartel, as an expert in management communication & Safety Culture Coach®, deals intensively with these issues. In management coaching, he makes sure that managers communicate better, takes care of their development as a personality and thus ensures that there is even more motivation in the company.
The successful concept behind Stefan Bartel’s management coaching
In addition, Stefan Bartel combines the topics of leadership communication and occupational safety in a unique way in his executive coaching, if required, and thus supports companies in their cultural change. Occupational safety is highly dependent on the inner attitude and culture in the company as well as on the quality of leadership. Good leadership reduces absenteeism and accidents at work on the one hand and increases productivity and quality on the other. In management coaching, you will learn how to become effective as a leader, create conditions for motivation, increase employee satisfaction through a value-oriented corporate culture and thus ensure safer working and maximum performance.
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Leadership coaching by Stefan Bartel in-house or open at the Academy
Stefan Bartel’s executive coaching is built on three pillars: seminars, workshops and lectures. You can take advantage of management coaching as in-house coaching in your company or as an open event at the Stefan Bartel Academy.
Leadership training at your location
Inhouse Coaching
Stefan Bartel conducts seminars, workshops and lectures and accompanies executives over a longer period of time within the framework of a company-specific development programme.
Management Training & Seminars
and lectures at the Stefan Bartel
Open events
In open seminars, Stefan Bartel trains individuals from various companies on the topics of leadership communication, occupational safety & co.
Stefan Bartel: long-standing expert in executive coaching
Stefan Bartel has been a specialist in in-house seminars, workshops and lectures on the topics of management communication, employee leadership, occupational safety and cultural change for almost 30 years. He combines his many years of expertise and the insights from his numerous lectures with the needs and requirements of companies, especially from the SME sector. This successful concept determines Stefan Bartel’s executive coaching today. Important parts of his knowledge are made available to the public in his books.
Do we find each other?
Are you interested in our executive coaching? Then feel free to get in touch with us or sign up for our Academy Knowledge so you don’t miss any more news. We look forward to seeing you.